Installing Deployment

Self-deploying Parea through Docker consists of 4 easy steps:


Clone repo

Clone the parea-deployment repo.


Setup .env file

Navigate into docker directory, copy the .env.sample file to .env and fill-in your organization slug into REACT_APP_SELF_HOST_ORGANIZATION_NAME. You can optionally configure your SSO provider, re-generate the auth/JWT secret and any secret to encrypt public keys, and update the ports of the frontend/backend/auth services. Note, you must not comment out any environment variables even if they are empty.


Start the deployment

Run docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d to pull and run the docker images.


Update backend URL in SDK

To use the self-deployed Parea backend in the SDK, you need to set the PAREA_BASE_URL environment variable to the backend URL. Note, the backend runs by default on http://localhost:8000 on the host machine.

If you followed above steps, this will start by default:

If you wish to stop the deployment, you can run docker-compose down.

Updating Deployment

  1. Run docker-compose pull to pull the latest images
  2. Run docker-compose down to stop the containers
  3. Run docker-compose up -d to start the containers