Attach evaluations to a trace to identify failure cases
You can attach evaluation metrics to a trace to quantify the quality of the
respective component of your LLM app, i.e., perform online evaluation. This e.g. allows you to filter the dashboard by low scores.
The scores for any step of a trace are visualized on the right side of a trace (top image).
All scores are aggregated across logs by time in a chart at the top of the dashboard (bottom image).
Note, the logs of the evaluation are automatically attached to the trace in Python.
You can deactivate this behavior by setting the environment variable TURN_OFF_PAREA_EVAL_LOGGING to True.
There are two ways to attach evaluations to a trace:
Using evaluation functions from your code base
Using evaluation functions created on the platform
You can define evaluations functions locally in your codebase.
The evaluation is required to receive a Log object and return a float or boolean value.
The evaluation function will be executed non-blocking in a separate thread and the results will be logged.
An example implementation is shown below:
from parea import tracedefusefulness(log: Log)->float:return1.0if log.output == else0.0@trace(eval_funcs=[usefulness])deffunction_to_trace(*args,**kwargs):...
Parea provides a set of state-of-the-art evaluation metrics you can plug into your evaluation process.
Their motivation & research are discussed in the blog post on reference-free
and reference-based evaluation metrics. Here is an overview of them:
levenshtein: calculates the number of character-edits in the generated output to match the target and normalizes it by the length of the output; more here
llm_grader: leverages a general-purpose zero-shot prompt to rate responses from an LLM to a given question on a scale from 1-10; more here
answer_relevancy: measures how relevant the generated response is to the given question; more here
self_check: measures how well the LLM call is self consistent when generating multiple responses; more here
lm_vs_lm_factuality: uses another LLM to examine original LLM response for factuality; more here
semantic_similarity: calculates the cosine similarity between output and ground truth; more here
context_query_relevancy: calculates the percentage of sentences in the context are relevant to the query; more here
context_ranking_pointwise: measures how well the retrieved contexts are ranked by relevancy to the given query by pointwise estimation; more here
context_ranking_listwise: measures how well the retrieved contexts are ranked by relevancy to the given query by listwise estimation; more here
context_has_answer: classifies if the retrieved context contains the answer to the query; more here
answer_context_faithfulness_binary: classifies if the answer is faithful to the context; more here
answer_context_faithfulness_precision: calculates how many tokens in the generated answer are also present in the retrieved context; more here
answer_context_faithfulness_statement_level: calculates the percentage of statements from the generated answer that can be inferred from the context; more here
goal_success_ratio: measures how many turns a user has to converse on average with your AI assistant to achieve a goal; more here
factual_inconsistency_binary: classifies if a summary is factually inconsistent with the original text; more here
factual_inconsistency_scale: grades the factual consistency of a summary with the article on a scale from 1 to 10; more here
likert_scale: grades the quality of a summary on a Likert scale from 1-5 along the dimensions of relevance, consistency, fluency, and coherence; more here
You can reuse these evals in Python by importing the respective evaluation function from the parea.evals module
and attaching them to the trace decorator.
Using evaluation functions created on the platform
After creating an evaluation function on the platform, you can use it to automatically track
the performance of the components of your LLM app.
For that, simply wrap the function you want to track with the trace decorator and the evaluation function will be executed in the backend in a non-blocking way:
from parea import trace@trace(eval_func_names=['Harmfullness Detector'])# Evaluation function namedeffunction_to_trace(*args,**kwargs):...
You can also limit how many logs you run evaluations on by setting a sampling rate using the apply_eval_frac
or applyEvalFrac argument for Python and Typescript, respectively. This is useful if you want to reduce the cost of evaluating.
from parea import trace@trace(eval_funcs=[usefulness], apply_eval_frac=0.1)deffunction_to_trace(*args,**kwargs):...