Parea provides automatic tracing of applications built using LLM provider SDKs such as OpenAI and Anthropic as well as frameworks such as LangChain, Instructor, LiteLLM, DSPy. See below for an overview of all available integrations into libraries together with their use case and if Python / TypeScript integrations exist.

LibraryUse CasePythonTypeScript
OpenAISDK to interact with OpenAI’s API
AnthropicSDK to interact with Anthropic’s API
LangChainProvides abstractions to build LLM apps
InstructorStructured outputs from API-based LLMs
LiteLLMUnified API to call 100+ LLMs
DSPyAutomatic prompt optimization and fine-tuning of LLMsnot available
SGLangStructured outputs from OSS LLMsnot available
Trigger.devExecuting long running workflowsnot available